Information is money and if you are not informed you are deformed. Here are some wonderful steps you can take to turn your information product to money makimg machine:
1. Register a domain name. The best domain name extention for this purpose is .com
2. Sign up for website hosting account.
3. Upload your report on your new domain.
4. Sign up for autoresponder account with either or .You will be using this autoresponder to capture the name and address of your website visitor and contact them as well.
5. Create or have sombody craete simple ebook cover for your report.
6.Create or have sombody craete simple grapgics header for you.
7. Put it all together and set up a one page website or pay somebody to do it for you. If you know how to use front-page or dream-weaver you can do this easily. You can as well doenload template online . You will be using this one page website to capture name and email address of those that are interested in your report.
8. Install google blog site;- you will be sharing other free information on your blogsite for continus relationship with yor subscribers. Y ou do not have to register another domain name for your blog.
Promote your report give-away website. Ask them to give away your new products as a free gift to customers. Ask them what they want by crating simple suvey. Set up your sales page. You have to set up another website to sell your product. To have a complete sales page you need the following--
A. Sales copy to sell your new digital product. You can write a good headline and list out the benefits of your new products.
B. You need a way to receive credict card payment online. You need to sing up account with website where you can receive paypal or credit card payment .
If you can carefully follow this simple steps you will soon be smilling to bank on your information product.
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